Dori Saves Lives Plantation High School Grant Check Presentation

Monday, March 1, 2021 - Dori Saves Lives sponsored by Safety Partner Searcy Law presented Plantation High School located in Plantation, FL. with a check for $833.33. Drivers Ed teacher Drew Parnham won this school grant at Dori Saves Lives 14th Annual Drivers Ed Teachers Contest on March 6th, 2020 at the Safe Schools Institute in Boca Raton, FL.
President & CEO of Searcy Law Chris Searcy came out to speak with the students about the dangers of driving distracted to raise awareness of the risks and penalties involved and SAVE LIVES! Dori Saves Lives sponsored by Searcy Law provided Plantation High School with many valuable resources such as:
Hands-Free School Zone Sign to be affixed to a pole in the car pick line.
Hands-Free School Zone Traffic Safety vests to be worn by school staff directing traffic in and around the school parking lot.
Hands-Free School Zone Texting Ban Cards with information regarding the applicable Traffic Safety Laws to be distributed to students, parents, and staff.
Chairman of Dori Saves Lives: Irving Slosberg
President & CEO of Searcy Law: Chris Searcy
Principal of Plantation High School: Parinaz Bristol
Bookkeeper at Plantation High School: Robin Sabourin
Security Guard at Plantation High School