3 Seconds Behind the Wheel
6 months. 8 Drivers. In-car cameras forgotten about. See just how distracted drivers really are.

Today is the first day of Distracted Driving Awareness Month 2019. The entire month of April each year is dedicated to spreading awareness of this growing epidemic. Public service organizations like the Dori Slosberg Foundation, along with law enforcement, educational institutions, and the general public join forces to start conversations at work, at school, and in the home.
This year we are kicking off Distracted Driving Awareness month (DDAM, #distracteddriving) to kickoff the month by recognizing the documentary '3 Seconds Behind the Wheel'.
Click Here To Watch Now On Amazon.
This documentary (and podcast series) follows 8 drivers stretched across the span of 6 months with in-car cameras and other monitoring technology recording their driving habits and behavior the entire time. The lengthy half-year-long time span ensured the drivers would eventually get used to and even forget about the cameras and technologies recording within. Rather than just a documentary shouting at the viewer "don't text and drive!", this film dives deep to explore potential solutions to this world-wide problem through technology, including a research center at Google.
Check out this featured spot on ABC's Good Morning America discussing both the documentary and the global distracted driving epidemic at large: