Cleaning The COVID -19 Road For Safe Driving
For many years the Dori Slosberg Foundation has been fighting the global pandemic called Distracted Driving. Dori Saves Lives has always been the first line of defense for road safety on the front lines of keeping young drivers alive and safe against an “enemy” that takes more than 40,000 American lives per year in roadway fatalities.
In 2020 a new pandemic threatens road safety and is on the rise and claiming lives at an alarming rate. Coronavirus (COVID-19) has officially become a global pandemic, infecting over 132,000 people as of March 12. Safe driving during this current public health crisis, road safety experts say it’s more essential than ever. Buckling-up, observing speed limits, putting down the cell phone and not driving while under the influence are among the behaviors that can help save the lives of drivers and their passengers and reduce the impact of COVID-19.
Hospitals and emergency services will not be able to manage road crash victims as they struggle to cope with the pandemic and governments are working hard to contain the virus.Now more than ever the drivers need be extra cautious at a time when medical systems are stretched beyond capacity in many states and cities. Limiting crashes that result in hospitalizations can free up medical staff, supplies and beds in intensive care units and improve ambulance response time.
While there are many precautions recommended by the CDC to prevent the spread of COVID-19, we all spend a lot of time in our cars, and it is important to make sure that it is a safe clean environment for drivers and passengers.
A car has overlooked hot spots where COVID-19 germs can be spread, such as keys, door handles, and steering wheels. Research has shown that the dirtiest surface in your vehicle is the steering wheel that have four times more germs than a public restroom's toilet seat. A car is a breeding ground for the Coronavirus
In 2020 we have developed new resources and tools to help change COVID-19 driver behavior. Looking forward we must continue to join in the fight to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and thank our hero medical providers and first responders for their service and support them in the battle to keep our roadways safe.