How To Keep Your Car Coronavirus Free
There is an abundance of information about general hygiene, but more guidance is needed to educate the public about how this nasty virus can be spread inside vehicles. Careful attention needs to be paid to your car if you use it for unavoidable errands or to go to work. Germs picked up in public places are deposited on your keys, door handles and steering wheel, just to name a few.
How Coronaviruses Can Spread in Vehicles
The problem with cars is that their interiors normally contain many kinds of surfaces, from leather and metal to rubber and plastic. The virus can spread while sharing airspace with an infected person, the surfaces the person touched, or even the airspace after an infected passenger has left. Numerous studies are being conducted, but some of the early reports suggest that the virus can persist in the air for up to three hours and for two to three days on stainless steel and plastic surfaces. Another study on a related coronavirus found that the virus can survive on "inanimate surfaces like metal, glass or plastic for up to nine days.
Keeping Your Car Coronavirus Free Videos
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